Clementines, Pomegranates and Pineberries

Pomona groceryIt’s a damp but mild October’s day in Shrewsbury and popped into Pomona on Castle Street on my way back from the library. What’s new? They got small punnets of pineberries (£1.75) which I’d never heard of before. They look like tiny, white strawberries which taste a little like pineapple. Has anyone had these before or comment on them?
Pomona has also started to sell the boxes of Clementine’s at £3.75 (approximately 30 to a box) which they do every winter. They are sweet, juicy and peel easily. I eat them like sweets and find they keep colds at bay. Probably got more vitamin C than the average fruit because they are in season. A lot of them aren’t fully ripe yet but I put the box on the window sill and from past experience find they usually ripen OK.
Also noticed they are selling really large Pomegranates for £2.
I bought a box of small vine tomatos for £2.35 and reckon there is about the equivalent of 4 vines of tomatos in there. This seems very cheap. As I do not buy this produce in the supermarkets how does this compare?

As I’m writing this blog I’ve noticed a Peacock Butterfly on the inside of my bedroom window.  Surely this is too late for them to still be out (late October)?

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